My Voters Guide Statement
Because of the obscenely high cost of $2500 to publish in the state Voters Guide, we have decided we can best serve the public with those funds, and are publishing here.

Official Alternate Voters Guide Statement

A breath of fresh air for the Pacific Northwest, I promise to be the most authentic person you will ever elect. I have walked through every dark valley just as you have. I know what We the People need. I am like you, an average Joe, blue collar worker. An electrician by trade for 39 years, and I am still alive. I recognize the overzealous actions of the government, the lies in the media, designed and scripted to program us, to think what they tell us to. No not I, I am not going to comply. There is a verse in the Bible that I love, Isaiah 6:8 “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “here I am, send me.” Well, here I am to bring back our Constitution. Here to bring it back to what our forefathers intended it to be. I see our current government with double standards, punishment for one and not another. We live in a country that does not want us to think for ourselves. I have heard your voices and so has President Trump. He has stepped forward for We the People and so shall I. We the People must stand firm and united. I will fight for Truth, Justice, and the Constitution until my last breath, making your voices heard. The issues that I feel are important to address are homelessness, the border crisis, trafficking, addiction, and mental health issues that lead to homelessness. There are so many things that need to be addressed but these are among the top crises, we will be working on many others as well. I want your input so that I can be your spokesman and work for and with you to get these problems taken care of to the best of our ability. Thank you for your support.